Hardy's Story

Read Hardy's original post - Trapped in a Garage

Shows you can pass a building and just not know

The small fury cat was found yesterday in the garage of a person at the other end of the village we live in. 
He had been trapped in there for 11 days, we had walked past this garage every day calling him but never heard him as it was so big. 

Hardy is now back at home, full of food and asleep in bed 

Thank you so much for your concern, for us it was a long time to remain hopeful and to keep looking. 

We distributed leaflets throughout the village and the owners of the garage finally remembered that on the day he went missing they had left the side door to the garage open until late, and  searched it and found him inside. 

We are so grateful we have Hardy back and so happy that he is OK, i can't begin to explain the loss we felt  every day while he went missing 

My heart goes out to any one who finds them selves in this position, for us it was a happy ending. 

Thankyou again, 

Tracey & Robert Woodman

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